Réhabiliter la vocation de l’enseignement de l’islam
Wa alaikum salaam Mouhib,
Je vous remercie pour votre message et votre appréciation de l'extrait de mon article. Je suis d'accord avec vous, il est regrettable de constater que le leadership islamique ne manifeste pas toujours une vision sociétale claire et proactive. run 3
Hy there i can see your post and i have some suggestion
Knowledge and Education: Teachers should have a deep understanding of Islamic principles, theology, history, and teachings. Continuous learning and professional development are crucial to stay updated and deliver accurate information.
Emphasize Peace and Tolerance: Promote the true teachings of Islam, which advocate peace, tolerance, and understanding among different cultures and religions. Counter misconceptions and stereotypes.
Ethics and Morality: Encourage ethical conduct and moral values in both teachers and students, reflecting the core principles of Islam.
Modern Pedagogy: Utilize effective teaching methodologies, incorporating technology and interactive learning to engage students and make the teachings relevant to their lives.
Critical Thinking: Encourage students to think critically and ask questions about Islam to develop a deeper understanding and personal connection to the religion.
Community Engagement: Teachers should actively engage with the Muslim community, fostering a sense of unity, social responsibility, and compassion.
Thanks and regards
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